Sunday, September 9, 2007

Eco Walk

Yesterday , We took a trip to Crystal River, We visited with The In laws for a while then we took off on our Caching for the day trip we had a few "seekers" with us My Mother In law and Our Nephew..The first one we went to we found fast , however there were just to many Mugglers around , so we just enjoyed the view of The Springs and left with the intentions of coming back to that one when its less busy.
Onto the Next one , walking around a Creepy Grave yard ( no offence to the Inhabitants ) we found the cache , logged it and placed it back we took a stroll around the Yard and Read some of the Headstones some mighty old ones in there, and some unique ones also...
By this time the heat of the day was upon us , be we pushed on.
So we find our self's at the ECO WALK . and let me just say this is one HECK of a WALK, of course My Dear Hubby lead us the LONG way around ...even with the GPS.. whats the saying ?"The machine is only as smart as the user" so we razed him about it at the end.
All in All it was a nice day caching , I Appreciate all the Gifts that GOD has Given us , Even the Pesky Skeeters that keep us on our toes...
This Eco walk would of been better in the Fall ( Fall in Florida?) or even the Winter.. as it was VERY HOT and we all needed a nice cool shower...